Pordenone 2001
feature by Sean Axmaker, 7 December 2001

Eventi Musicale  

A word about the music. Each and every film was accompanied by live accompaniment, mostly by a cadre of fine pianists, among them Phil Carli and Neil Brand, both frequent contributors to Kino’s home video releases of silent classics. The rest of the house pianists are: Antonio Coppola, John Sweeney, Gunter A. Buchwald, Donald Sosin, and Tama Karena. For a select few programs, special musical presentations were prepared such as the Japanese programs of Orochi and A Page of Madness, and the quasi-musical treatment for East Side, West Side. In addition, Finis Terrae featured a quartet of Breton musicians on regional instruments and Circle of Death swung with a classical string quartet led by clarinet. The grandest treatment, however, was reserved for… 




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